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wamun 2017


wamun 2017
wamun 2017
wamun 2017
wamun 2017
wamun 2017
wamun 2017
wamun 2017

1. Future career? – Architecture.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Simon Cowell from "America's Got Talent".

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  

Walt Disney.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? –

Dubai, U.A.E.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My laptop, my dog, and a nice pair of shoes.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? –   I would buy a luxurious penthouse in New York City, as well as hire a personal chef and a driver. Then, I would buy a private plane for weekend escapes.



Ana María Applewhite

1. Future career? Hopefully a happy teacher forever.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? Hermione from Harry Potter.

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? Jesus.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? New York City.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? Picture albums, my poems and diaries.


1. Future career? – Engineering.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Wall-E.

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  Jesus Christ.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – In a huge boat party.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My phone, laptop and money.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? – I would visit every country in the world along side my family and closest friends.



Valentina Castro


Helena Núñez

1. Future career? – Hospitality, which is a triple degree with administration, marketing and hotel management.
2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Pocahontas, from her physical traits to her love for nature and life in general. 
3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? – Aristotle, I think only one conversation with him would be enough to blow my mind. 
4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – Somewhere crazy with the people I love.
5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – Difficult question, if my house would be burning down I would probably forget about every object I have, besides my phone, and make sure my family is okay. 

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? – First I would invest at least half on a bank account so it can grow in time. Then, I would buy a house, travel with no limit, go to the best restaurants, invite my friends and family every time I can, buy something awesome for my grandmother and why not, a good piece of jewelry.


1. Future career? – Medicine.
2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Courage the Cowardly Dog.
3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? – Amelia Earhart.  
4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – Stockholm, Sweden.
5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My laptop, old photographs, and a little jewelry box.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? – Travel around the world.



Armando Briquet

1. Future career? – Communication in public relations.
2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – I don’t know, maybe Chandler “Friends”.
3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? – Walt Disney.
4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – In Los Roques with my friends.
5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? - Easy. My laptop, my cell phone, and a everything on my memory drawer; where I have pictures, party invites, party souvenirs, gifts, etc.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? - Get a ticket to Greece and build a Hotel in one of those white houses on Santorini’s hill and make it our family business. 



Sarah Whaite

1. Future career? – Biomedical engineering.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Meredith Grey from “Grey’s Anatomy”.

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  Nikita Khrushchev.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – Bora Bora.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My dogs, shoes and passport.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? – I would throw my 18th birthday party at Qta. La Esmeralda and would have Justin Bieber and Ozuna as singers.


1. Future career? – Undecided.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Naruto.

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -   I would spend time with Einstein, Sun Tzu or Churchill.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – Somewhere I could think clearly. 

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My “Rich Father, Poor Father” book, my cell phone, and money.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? –   I would invest in a business and hopefully start my own. I would also start a project where I can find a solution to homeless/jobless people and give them hope and a sense of life and productivity.


1. Future career? - Vogue Editor in Chief.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? - Holly Golightly from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”.

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  Cristiano Ronaldo.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – Berlin, Germany.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? - My favorite purse, my passport and my antique jewelry.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? – I would build my own company and editorial magazine brand.  



Ana Luisa Pimentel


Isabela Porras

1. Future career? – Hospitality and leisure management. 

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Martha Cox from “High school Musical”. 

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  Princess Diana. 

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – Six Senses Laamu.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My laptop, my wallet and my dog.  

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? – I would open a bakery or restaurant with my siblings.


Ana Paula Fratini

1. Future career? – Marketing.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Mary Queen of Scotts from "Reign".

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  John F. Kennedy.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – New York City.  

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My phone and a bag full of clothes.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? –   Travel the world.

wamun 2017

Luis De Zabala

1. Future career? – Industrial Engineering.

2. What television show or movie character do you identify with the most? – Jon Snow from “Game of Thrones”.

3. What historical figure would you like to spend a day with? -  John F. Kennedy.

4. If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? – At any beach.

5. If your home was burning down, and you could only take three objects with you, which would they be? – My computer, pillow and phone.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery? –   I would take my family for a trip around the world, staying for about two to three days in each country until we feel the need to come home or the money runs out. 


Andrés Halvorssen

Elena Báez

Daniel Morales-Bello


WAMUN 2017












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