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Brief topic summary:


Topic A: The Threat of Nuclear War with North Korea


            Through the last decades, tensions have begun to rise in the Korean Peninsula. The North of said territory has constantly managed to violate international treaties regarding Nuclear Weaponry and has managed to undermine all sanctions it has received throughout the last few years. The threat of war is closer than ever as the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or often referred as North Korea) continues to enact military displays of power, including sending an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) over Japan detonating at sea, and its recurrent threat of the use of a Nuclear Warhead implemented to an ICBM capable of reaching the US territory of Guam. The United Nations Security Council must find a way to either diminish the ever-growing international tension and find a diplomatic approach to the issue or determine if North Korea is a threat that cannot be unchecked.


Topic B: Peace Consolidation in West Africa


            The maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea is a major conflict that has affected the peace and stability of West Africa since 2002. Cases of piracy have been reported in the region, and it has become an issue of global concern since 2011. Cargo shipments are constantly being hijacked, and cases of drug and human trafficking keep surfacing in the waters of the Gulf of Guinea. All of these illegal activities generate a big economic loss for the countries in the region. According to a Chatham House report, 400,000 barrels of oil are stolen each day. The hijacking of ships, illegal fishing, armed robbery, and smuggling makes countries lose hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Delegates must find a way to locate the source of these illicit activities and enact actions that will provide peace and stability to the affected countries.


Topic C: The situation in Syria


            During the past 6 years, Syria has been undergoing a Civil War. This multi-sided armed conflict between Bashar al-Assad and various opposing forces has brought death and destruction to region. The protests began in 2011, caused by the discontent with the Assad government. Syria's civil war has affected the entirety of the population as violence escalated. By August 2015, 250,000 people had been killed according various sources, including activists and the UN itself. One extraordinary feature of Syria’s civil war is how many players have come into the conflict. On the government's side, Russia and Iran are very active supporters. On the other hand, countries like USA, Turkey, Saudi Arabia are united in trying to create a new Syria. Taking this into account, the issue has escalated to the point where the issue disturbs not only the affected territory, but also all of those countries involved.

WAMUN 2017












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